The show airs on CCTV-4, a channel primarily aimed at overseas viewers that is broadcast in Chinese. "The major advantage of ...
This investment follows the earlier entry of Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia and Agnello Dias, Co-Founder of Taproot Dentsu, as equity partners in BlackCarrot.
BlackCarrot plans to use the fresh capital for product development and expanding its presence across various marketplaces ...
The dim sum restaurant has amassed numerous awards, including "China's independent innovation products", Dianping's "Must-Eat List", and the Michelin Bib Gourmand Award. For Chen, the swarming ...
If a new set of dinnerware is in the cards this year, consider shopping at Costco for a budget-friendly experience. The ...
We’re willing to bet good money you haven’t given much thought to a dish rack, but the sink-side essential is a kitchen necessity in every house. You can find cheap plastic models on any high ...
This prestigious honour is considered the pinnacle of scientific achievement in mainland China, with dishes priced at 32 yuan for this title. The cheapest dish in the restaurant, priced at five ...
It is a time when family members come together, engaging in the meaningful process of preparing dishes that evoke warmth and nostalgia. South India's tropical landscape, with swaying coconut palms ...
India and China's Special Representatives held their first talks in five years, marking significant progress in normalizing ties. They affirmed the recent border disengagement agreement ...
China and India agreed on Wednesday to work on easing their long-running border dispute, as the two Asian giants resumed a formal high-level dialogue for the first time in five years. Chinese ...
Another legendary establishment, Joe’s opened in Miami Beach in 1913, but didn’t start selling its now-namesake dish until 1921, when the restaurant started experimenting with serving the local ...